About Me

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I'm an east coast girl making my way through life. I have a love for cooking, fitness, and really anything that can bring me happiness. Living my life for the next day and on a search for whatever my happily ever after may be. Life's too short to be unhappy right? If you navigated your way here, stay awhile! Have a nice day!
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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where Have I Been?

Hello hello! Well, to answer the question I unfortunately have not been anywhere exciting. I've been in the wrath of school, to the point where I just haven't had a minute to get on blogger and post-up. I'm really going to make an honest effort to get on here more and continue daily postings - they are so much fun and I need to make more time for the happy fun stuff, as do the rest of you! Hopefully you all can sympathize with how hard it can be to post sometimes and the amount of time/effort it takes...this thing takes dedication! Instead of just diving back in I thought I would give you a glance of what I've been up to recently since Valentines Day.

1. Valentines Day was absolutely amazing this year. Kyle took me out to this great restaurant called Sullivan's. Neither of us had ever actually gone to dinner on Valentines Day, as we usually go the day before or after but this year we decided to go big or go home. The restaurant, true to form, and pink and red balloons everywhere as well as waitresses with adorable pink and red headbands with flowers. Very cute. We had delicious filet mignon with lobster tails, and for dessert a perfectly tasty chocolate mousse with berries. What can I say, the guy spoils me and knows the key to my heart (FOOD!)

2. Before I get ahead of myself, the biggest adventure on Valentines Day was a trip to the emergency room! I was trying to make my honey a nice red velvet cake for Valentines Day (Recipe link posted below!). Unfortunately for me, because I was so excited and flustered about the day, I ended up slicing my finger in the electric mixer. The blood was disgusting, and the ER was actually pretty quick, but I couldn't have gotten through it without Kyle. At least now
we have a scar to commemorate our fun Valentines Day! I'll save you the disgust of posting a picture of the finger, but by the way...the cake was delicious and super easy to make and I suggest you try it if you're a red velvet fanatic like myself.

3. Now that summer (don't let me get too ahead of myself here...so spring) is around the corner, it's probably a good time to shed the winter weight and get ready for a summer in a bikini. If you don't have winter weight, I applaud you! I always fall into the two pound trap: you get to wear yoga pants around all winter so you don't realize how many hot cocoa's or cookies you've been eating. Hopefully the workouts will begin this Monday...Lord knows I need to get my booty back in the gym.

Well, I wish I had more for you today! I'm going to start putting up more soon hopefully, I hope to get back on track with posting. Can't wait until I get to post about which bikinis I have my eyes on for the 2012 sun season!

XOXO, Rosie

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a full day. This cake is adorable! :)


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